Portraits d'artistes
Andréou (1961) 16mm, black and white. Duration: about 15 min. Techniques: Live action, with editing effects.
Visual analysis essay on the sculpture of Andréou

Peintures de Roger Chastel (Paintings by Roger Chastel (1962), 16mm. Duration 17 min.
Comments by Jean Lescure. Music Luc Ferrari, presented at the 1962 Venice Festival.
This film emphasizes the extreme mobility of the pictorial work, both for the painter who examines and retouches it, and for the public with multiple eyes who contemplate it once completed. Made up of four distinct elements that combine freely, this film is the fruit of a quadruple complicity between the painter, the filmmaker, the commentator and the musician.
(ORTF production and distribution) (INA Archive)

Prassinos (1963): l’image et le moment (Prassinos, the image and the moment) , Commentary spoken by Jean Vilar 1963
Live recording of Mario Prassinos. For Mr. Prassinos, non-figurative painting does not mean painting without reference to nature, which can be found in his canvases and his abstract wash drawings: “ don’t detail nature, I live it… I have rediscovered humanity in a bouquet”, Lapoujade : How do I make a painting? I add to the blank canvas until it is as intense as truth or reality.
(ORTF Research Service Fund) (INA Archive)
Jean Paulhan (1965) Portraits parallèles (Parallel portraits) , 1965
This film is an attempt at an original approach to the personality of Jean Paulhan.
Four characters participate in its realization : Jean Paulhan, the painter Robert Lapoujade, the interviewer J.L. Ferrier, invisible, and the camera. Their interventions intersect throughout the film. The painter paints a portrait of the writer who answers the interviewer’s questions, while the camera moving from the writer to the painter and from the painter to the painting strives to capture their looks and their expressions and to highlight similarities and differences. This film has endeavored to overcome these difficulties of language in a way, by offering, through an architecture of increasing information, a double portrait of Jean Paulhan.
( Collection Banc d’Essai))
(INA Archive)